My little monkey loves posing for photos – here she lined herself up against the wall, smiled and and said ‘cheese” without being prompted. Shame she forgot to open her eyes though! Karen x
Looking Girly Doesn’t Mean Not Getting Dirty
Who says boys have more fun or that girls ought to wear trousers? My little girls are only ever seen in skirts and pretty dresses but I don’t mind them getting dirty and having fun. They love trips to the park, especially the swings, slides and sand pit: They love playing at the beach, even […]
94/366 Planting Seeds
Nanny & Gramps have gone back today but before they went they planted some sunflower seeds with the girls: We are under strict instructions to water them every few days and in a months time to transfer them to bigger pots. The girls had great fun and I think Nanny did too. Karen x