Girls fashion… I am no expert but with three little girls in the house I am a little bit addicted to buying them clothes. These days they all love dresses, twirly skirts, bright colours and bold prints and I love recording what they wear. We love to review clothes but not all of my fashion posts are review items, they are likely to be pretty or girly though.
When Brantano approached me to see if I would like to review some new school shoes I jumped at the chance immediately and quickly chose a lovely new pair of Hush Puppies for Rosie. Hush Puppies Louise School Shoes £40.00 I am not ashamed to tell you school shoes drive me nuts. With three little […]
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Mock pinafore dresses – we love them! They look like you are wearing a pinafore dress with a top underneath but really it’s all in one. No fiddly bits to annoy little ones, no tops riding up, no draft gaps, they are perfect for little ones. Last year we brought Daisy this gorgeous dress from […]
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Frugi have done it again this season with another fantastic range of clothes. All in bright colourful colours and designs children will simply adore. In our family we are particularly fond of all the rainbows and other funky prints. Although my heart desired a new dress for one of the girls this time I had to […]
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