Girls fashion

Girls fashion… I am no expert but with three little girls in the house I am a little bit addicted to buying them clothes. These days they all love dresses, twirly skirts, bright colours and bold prints and I love recording what they wear. We love to review clothes but not all of my fashion posts are review items, they are likely to be pretty or girly though.

What The Girls Wore – WaterproofJackets

Waterproof jackets are a definite at this time of year. It’s not yet cold enough for winter coats but they definitely need something plus you never know when it might rain. This year we were super organised and ready for the change in weather. Rosie didn’t need a new jacket this year. She hasn’t grown […]

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Missing Summer Dresses/ Autumn Wishlist

Where did the summer go? I can’t believe just a few weeks ago the girls were running around in Summer dresses and bare legs and now we are having to think about an Autumn/ Winter wardrobe. The girls have so many summer clothes but all three are a little bit desperate for Autumn/ Winter things. […]

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