I’ve mentioned before that Rosie (aged 3 1/2) loves the colour purple and has a lot more say in her clothes than big Sister Poppy ever did. This is an outfit she put together herself this week: Although mixing different patterns would look odd on most of us, Rosie gets away with it. […]
Girls fashion
Girls fashion… I am no expert but with three little girls in the house I am a little bit addicted to buying them clothes. These days they all love dresses, twirly skirts, bright colours and bold prints and I love recording what they wear. We love to review clothes but not all of my fashion posts are review items, they are likely to be pretty or girly though.
Trendy Thursday – Poppy Wears Navy
Poppy is a very pink and girly girl, in fact for years she’s refused to wear anything else. Last month though I managed to sneak a bit of navy into her wardrobe and even she has to admit it looks lovely with the pink. This is one of her new, more grown up outfits and […]
What Rosie Wears – Trendy Thursday
Part of the fun of having three little girls is dressing them up. There are so many cute outfits out there. It’s hard to resist. I love pretty little dresses and skirts, funky tights and of course pretty little hair bows! My two eldest ones definitely have their own individual styles now and like to […]