I have been writing this blog for eight months now and it has quickly become an important part of me.  It started out as a type of journal, somewhere to record our life as a family and share with friends and family. It has turned out to be so much more than that.

For me it has helped me get my mojo back!
Back when I started out my Husband was away with work for ten weeks and I was struggling along. I felt quite isolated living away from the other families he works with and from family of my own.  I was feeling worn out, stressed out, a bit lost and a bit unhappy!
Then I started blogging and it all changed!
Once the girls were in bed, I was able to settle back and write posts and design my blog to my hearts content. All the things going around my head could be written down….. and that was before I discovered twitter and the social side of blogging!!
Now I feel like I have a whole new network of friends, some of you I have managed to meet and some of you I will meet at events next year. I never realised what a supportive community the blogging one is.
Once again Husband has had to go away but this time I did not panic. I have a purpose, something to do in the evenings when I might otherwise be lonely. In fact its nice to have a bit of time to do it undisturbed!
Through reading other blogs and conversations on twitter, I have come to realise that we are all doing the best that we can. We all have ups and downs, doubts and worries about similar things…oh and im not the only one who looks forward to bedtime either! I think this has helped me to relax a bit and take the pressure off myself. I don’t really have to be perfect, just a Mum!

I now how things to chat about, other than the children. I am enjoying writing and using my brain again and I am really enjoying reviewing products. I feel a bit more like my old self…or maybe its a new version of me but with a bit of the old sparkle back. Whatever it is I am happier.

So thank you blog, my lovely followers and anyone reading this. You help to keep me sane when the Husband is away and have helped me get my mojo back!
Karen x