For those of you who have been following me via twitter, you will know that my blog is getting a makeover and this is the first part of it.

I must say a huge thank you to Mummy And The Beastie and her very clever husband for my gorgeous new header.  I always had  a bit of header envy when I looked at her blog.  I had wanted a cartoon one but wasn’t really sure how to go about it.  I had searched the web for a cartoon image I liked but to no success.  Then a little while ago I blogged about giving my blog a makeover and Mummy And The Beastie volunteered her Husbands services.  He had done both hers and Multiple Mummy’s.  Well I love both of theirs so I jumped right in and asked for their help.  

In my head I had an idea of what I would like mine to look like. It would have a cartoon woman looking a bit yummy (ie big boobs, small waist and highlighted or dark blonde  hair)…well my title is Would Like To Be A Yummy Mummy hee hee.  She would be wearing a dress or skirt and pink shoes.  She would have a baby in one arm (no dummy but maybe a hair clip), a designer looking handbag over the other arm. She would have a toddler at her feet, maybe holding onto her leg and with blonde plaits in her hair. There would also be the words Would like To Be A Yummy Mummy. I requested pink and fluffy looking and said other than that I am flexible.

When I sent off my suggestions I thought that they might laugh, think they were unreasonable and say there was no way…. but no, they actually managed to come up with this.  Its amazing!  This is much better than anything I could have come up with, one personal to me and I LOVE IT!!!!

I have a quiet day planned today and will be tinkering to get the background perfect now. I wasn’t going to publish it until it was all complete but I have been as excited as an expectant grandmother waiting for her daughter to give birth!!  Together with my Sister Not Yet A Yummy Mummy on the phone and my fellow MoMenTum girls on twitter we have been getting very excited, so I had to show it off to them straight away…watch this space for the complete makeover.

So a huge thank you to Mummy And The Beastie and her lovely husband and if you yourself are now suffering from a bit of header envy, get yourself a makeover! It feels good.

Karen x