I don’t actually take that many black and white photos. I like the effect though and might have a go at playing around with them a bit more this year. Anyway this weekend I took a few portraits of the girls and when tinkering around with them afterwards decided they looked pretty good in black and white.

First up Daisy looking very scruffy and dishrevelled here. She always starts the day off looking very cute and angelic with little bunches or a clip but it never lasts!

Next Rosie looking her usual cute and cheeky self. Her hair clip has fallen out and her little smile is a quick one for the camera as she was too busy playing with Poppy’s Barbie house:

Finally a very tired Poppy. She didn’t really want to pose for more than one photo and dissapeared into the garden soon after this was taken. She keeps checking for snow but is disappointed there isn’t any yet:


Karen x