These days weekends and holidays mean grab your coats and let’s go for an adventure.
It doesn’t matter whether its rain or shine, flip flops or wellies we just love being out in the fresh air. Even if it’s just for a short time it raises spirits and smiles making everyone happy.
Over half term Last week, we were out a lot so some of you might recognise a few of these photos from my Instagram feed. This particular morning was spent at one of our faveourite National Trust parks – Osterley House. A fantastic place to explore in all weathers.
A place to be silly:
To giggle and let off steam:
To explore, run free and play with sisters:
A fantastic place to let off steam and relax.
Karen x
Sara (@mumturnedmom)
February 28, 2015 at 12:48 am (10 years ago)Looks great fun, love that first photo 🙂 And, the running hand in hand is gorgeous. I know just what you mean about fresh air raising spirits x #countrykids
The Mummy Diary
February 28, 2015 at 6:57 am (10 years ago)Love it, looks like a great place to walk around and explore. We’ve been stuck indoors for a few weekends decorating and nothing beats getting out into the fresh air! #countrykids
February 28, 2015 at 10:27 am (10 years ago)That looks like a lovely place for a walk and your girls really look like they are enjoying themselves. I particularly like the photo of your eldest two walking away whilst holding hands and the photo of all three of your girls climbing onto the fence.
liska @NewMumOnline
February 28, 2015 at 11:58 am (10 years ago)Oh I totally adore these pics. Including THAT one that was my absoulte fav on Instagram xx #CountryKids
Coombe Mill
February 28, 2015 at 12:19 pm (10 years ago)I recognise all the photos, does that make me an instagram stalker of your lovely photos I wonder? Thank you for sharing them on Country Kids, I hoped you would!
Let kids be kids
March 1, 2015 at 4:42 pm (10 years ago)Looks like a beautiful place to have fun and get fresh air. Lovely pics 🙂
March 2, 2015 at 10:53 pm (10 years ago)Isn’t it gorgeous! I’ll admit we love our National Trust membership, which I think might mean I’ve turned into my parents – it just means there’s always somewhere to go when you just need some space to run around!