I love my Mum dearly but she does have this annoying habbit of not reading instructions or following recipies.  Anyway, now I know where she gets it from…her Mum!! 
My Nana has been staying with me and yesterday we decided that her and Poppy would do some baking together, just like we used to when I was little.  She found a recipie in a magazine for coconut macaroons, we brought the ingrediants and decided they would make them today. I was just going to set them up, make sure Nana knew where everything was and leave them to it but it turned out they needed my help!,

Well to be honest it was not the easiest reciepie to follow but you have never seen anything like it.  Egg white was flying around the kitchen, Nana, Poppy and I were sprayed with it, we then had to add a bit more as there was no longer much in the bowl.  We were supposed to make a sugary syrup but as I rushed to help clean up the mess the syrup turned to a lumpy dry powder.  Then we were supposed to add the almond paste…what paste?  Whoops, Nana had missed out this part when she was giving out instructions.  The final result looked good but was sadly undercooked.  They have been back in the oven for three times longer than they were supposed to but at last they are edible!  Everyone had fun, Poppy loved eating them but the moral of the story…if you are going to use a recipie, pick an easy one and follow it!!!

Oh and I just have to add, a few hours later My Nana was wondering why she could not see out of her glassess, she took them off to examine them and they were covered in egg white spray! Now I know where i get my dizziness from!

Karen x