
The lovely ClaireJustine has very kindly awarded me with my second ever award.  This one is for The Versatile Blogger so many thanks!  Check out her blog, it is a great new one especially if like me, you like both exercise and cakes!

Here are the rules:

1* Thank the person who gave you the award and link back to them in your post
2* Tell us 7 things about yourself
3* Award 15 recently discovered new blogger
4* Contact these bloggers to let them know they’ve received the award

Here are my 7 fun facts:
  1. My favourite foods are pizza, pasta and chocolate…
  2. …not good as I am on Day 12 of a low carb diet and exercise plan
  3. I love candlelit bubble baths but can’t remember the last time I had one
  4. I love horse riding…but haven’t been for a while
  5. I am addicted to internet shopping, blogging and now my cross trainer
  6. I was recently dark but prefer being blonde!
  7. I love being a Mummy and a wife but sometimes would like a day off!

                                   Here are the blogs I am passing this award onto: