It would have been very easy (but a little predictable) to use a photo of the Girls for this letter. So instead I’m using the first photo that jumped into my head when I thought of the letter G:
Yes that’s right G is for Goat.
This is not a new photo in fact I took it during the summer of 2007. Its a photo that always makes me smile and reminds me of a happy time.
This was the Summer we moved to Canada for two years. A very happy time which I look back on with fond memories and the place where our eldest daughter Poppy was born.
On this particular day I was about to go and see my very first rodeo and had just been to buy these fantastic cowgirl boots. A must have for anyone living in Alberta! This little goat quite liked them too and wouldn’t leave me alone. It followed me around for ages and kept trying to nibble them.
It was definitley an amazing experience and a happy place for us, somewhere we would go back to in a flash. In fact our big girl is very lucky to have Dual Nationality so one day soon we hope to take her and her sisters to visit her birth country.
Karen x
Cheryl | TimeToCraft
February 25, 2015 at 10:55 pm (10 years ago)And if a goat should just happen to follow you…..who knows. Sweet photo and lovley memory. Like the boots too. #AlphabetPhoto
February 26, 2015 at 11:09 am (10 years ago)Lucas says – That is a VERY cheeky goat but very cute too! #alphabetphoto
Wicked World of Lucas
February 26, 2015 at 11:10 am (10 years ago)I love goats. I think they’ve got great personalities and I love this photo – so cheeky
Merlinda Little (@pixiedusk)
February 26, 2015 at 12:42 pm (10 years ago)Awww thats so cute! #alphabetphoto
Mary @ Over 40 and a Mum to One
February 28, 2015 at 10:21 pm (10 years ago)Love the boots and that goat is beyond cute isn’t he! #alphabetphoto
Lisa from Lisa's Life
March 1, 2015 at 10:10 am (10 years ago)Great photo, made me smile lots this morning!