Determined to get this baby out we headed off to explore our new area and climb a hill today. Apparently walking uphill is great for bringing on labour so I was keen to try it (39 weeks today)!
We headed off to a place called Robinswood Hill Country Park and took the Grandparents with us. Hee hee they thought they were popping around for a cup of tea!
The area is beautiful and the rain held off which was perfect. The girls had great fun running around although Rosie did need a little help a few times from both Daddy and Gramps.
The girls splashed in puddles, played with sticks, spotted lots of butterflies and generally had fun chasing each other around. Once at the top they enjoyed a little snack whilst admiring the views. I took lots of photos:
Although the rain held off for us, it was quite muddy and slippy in places as Rosie found discovered at the end of our walk:
Whoops, she was not a happy little thing. It was up her nose and in her mouth and everything and what was Mummy doing? Well taking photos of course! She ended up coming home in just a tee-shirt as even her knickers were covered.
A great morning out…and the baby? Well you will just have to watch this space!
Karen x
Jenny Paulin
July 16, 2012 at 9:15 am (13 years ago)Oh dear poor Rosie! Still as long as she was having fun!
Karen to must e fit to be able to walk up a hill in your state! You are crazy 🙂 xx