Last weekend wasn’t the best and there were no outdoors adventures as I had really hurt my back (bending down to pick up Daisy). Luckily though I had some pictures saved of a lovely long walk/scooter ride we had been on a few weeks ago.


It was a bright sunny day and the girls whizzed along. Naturally little Daisy was leading the way whilst the others tried to keep up. We discovered a new play park we’ve never seen before, spotted ducks in a pond and even some bright green parrots in the trees (I didn’t get a decent photo though). Then we stopped for delicious hot chocolates on the way home.


In total we were out for about 4 hours and all of us were exhausted afterwards. We must have gone miles! Luckily we had taken two scooters and the pushchair which worked really well. Poppy scooted the whole way whilst Rosie and Daisy took it in turns. Worn out after all her scooting Daisy even climbed in the pushchair, snuggled down and enjoyed a nap!

Have you been playing outside recently? If so come and join in the fun with country kids:


Karen x