A few months ago I was feeling quite good about myself! I was losing weight, changing shape and although my body was far from perfect, I was feeling happier with the way it was shaping up.

Then came the Summer and Husbands leave. With him around we had lots of day trips, ate out, had ice cream and junk food and I started to pile all the weight back on. I cannot blame him, no it was me and my will power. It was not helped by the fact I stopped listening to my slimpods after accidentally leaving them at home when I went away for a week and then not starting again straight away.
Since then I have also struggled with motivation around my fitness goals. Its been like a vicious circle…knowing what I need to do but not having the motivation to do it. Its not rocket science, I know if I eat well, exercise and listen to my slimpods I will lose weight.
Anyway I have been listening to my Slimpod for almost three weeks now and have started to notice a difference in my snacking habits once again. I have also finally spoken to the lovely Sandra at Thinking Slimmer who has given me the encouragement I need and a new game plan.  I am switching Slimpods and will be trying the new “Drop two Jean sizes” one . I am feeling really good about this. Especially as this is how the fantastic looking Wendy from Inside The Wendy House has lost her weight. Fingers crossed it has the same effect for me.
So from this day on there will be no over indulging, no further dieting, no counting carbs, calories or fat. I am going to be embracing Thinking Slimmer wholeheartedly.
Watch this space to see how I get on.
Karen x