Today I got to have a break from it all:  from being a mummy and a wife and just being me.  It was heaven!!  As I mentioned last week Husband said I should go off and have some pampering…so today I did.

I had a lovely afternoon, a Pedicure, an Indian Head Massage (which was amazing) and a chance to browse the shops child free!  Bliss!!

So now I have pretty toes and am feeling much more relaxed:

Poppy liked my toes so much that she decided she wanted similar.  So she took some colourful stickers and stuck them on her toes:

She then danced around the Sitting Room as happy as anything.

I do love my husband and my girls but it was so good having a bit of time out just for me, I think as Mum’s we tend not to have much of that. I feel as though I have recharged my batteries and would recommend it to everyone.

So thanks Husband!

Karen  x