Don’t you love guessing what your children might do in the future? At five Rosie thinks she might like to be a Doctor, a lollipop lady, a fairy, a vet, dentist, nurse, bus driver or a mermaid depending on the day and her mood.

I know we can’t predict what our children will do in the future but I’m pretty sure whatever Rosie does it won’t be boring and it won’t be your average job either.


She’s a little bit quirky, she likes to be different.

At 18 months old she started showing an interest in what she wanted to wear, always layering tutus under her outfits and refusing to wear pink. These days its all about accessories, not being the same as everyone else and the moves! She loves to pose for the camera. Husband and I often joke she will have a job in fashion or the media. Looking through these photos it could be possible:




She’s very photogenic and looks deep into the camera lens. Heres a few more photos just because:






My gorgeous, happy, cheeky middle girl. She has a real interest in clothes, loving bright colours and bold prints. She loves school, playing outdoors, being with her sisters and the beach.

Whatever she does and whoever she becomes, I just want her and her sisters to be happy. Who knows where life will take them all? Its going to be a fun ride finding out!

Karen x