I was approached a few weeks ago and asked if I would like to receive an exclusive gift from Fairy Non Bio to celebrate their partnership with Disney’s “Winnie the Pooh”.  Well of course I said yes please…who wouldn’t? With young children and several of us suffering from eczema Fairy is what we use anyway and of course the girls love Winnie the Pooh!  I was told I would not need to blog about it either.

I was expecting maybe a box of washing powder and a soft toy or something like that.  I definitely was not expecting this:

I could not believe the generosity of Fairy and we were all thrilled to bits. Mummy got new Washing detergent and softener and the girls got three Winnie the Pooh audio books, a blanket and a soft toy.  Poppy has a Disney Store Winnie the pooh already.  It is well loved and called “yellow ted”. She was thrilled to see a new one and said Rosie could have a yellow ted too!  I thought this was very cute.

I loved the fact that the front  of the box had this gorgeous sticker saying “To Would Like To Be A Yummy Mummy”. The box itself was a lovely pine one and would have been gorgeous as a toy box.  Unfortunately ours got badly damaged in the post so we won’t be able to give it to the girls to use, there are too many sharp edges and splinters.  Poppy was very upset about this and got out her magic wand to try and fix it:
It’s a shame it didn’t work, but that is not Fairy’s fault.

So many thanks to Fairy and if you check out special packs of Fairy Non Bio and Fairy Fabric Softener they are offering a free Winnie the pooh audio book with every promotional pack. There are three unique and sweet stories to collect.  We can’t wait to try out ours.
Karen x