You might have noticed that I have been very quiet on the blog recently. I have in fact been really poorly (the flu followed by possible pneumonia) and have only just started feeling better today after three days on antibiotics. Because of this, there have been few family days outside in the past few weeks.

Just before I went down with the flu and on return from a sunshine holiday, we did get outside for a lovely afternoon of outdoors fun. We returned to our faveouriteĀ place Osterley Park in Surrey on a warm sunny day….how the weather has changed. We knew we were only popping out for a few hours and didn’t want to venture too far plus we always have fun whenever we go there. We all enjoy it:


Each time we go it’s different but it’s always fun. As I am still not up to much at the moment I am just going to show you my photos this week. You can see for yourselves how pretty it is and how much the girls feel at home there. They just enjoy being outside and being together:

osterley-park-1-4 osterley-park-1-7 osterley-park-1-8

osterley-park-1 osterley-park-1-11 osterley-park-1-10 osterley-park-1-9 osterley-park-1-6 osterley-park-1-3 osterley-park-1-2

Lots of fun and a time for Sisters to just enjoy playing together.

Have you been outdoors recently?


Karen x