I have a vision of a photo collage I would love for our home. It involves three pictures of my girls, each surrounded by their namesake flowers. Poppy in the Poppies, Rosie in the roses and Daisy in the daisies.

This weekend we managed to capture Poppy in the poppies. Now it wasn’t quite the field of poppies I imagined but there were quite a few of them and they were lovely nonetheless.


The bright red was so pretty and Poppy was thrilled to see so many of them. She has known about my idea for a while so was happy to pose for us:

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Of course we had to capture the other girls too. It was too good an opportunity to miss.

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Then we needed one of all of them together. By this point they were tired and very, very hot. They just about managed to smile though.



These photos were taken close to Hampton Common. After a little search on the internet we discovered seeds had been sewn around six sites across the Richmond Borough to mark the centenary of the beginning of the First World War. What a wonderful idea and way to remember those that lost their lives.

We have been searching for a real poppy field for a while now. If you know of any others  in southwest London or surrey I would love to hear from you.

Karen x