At the start of the year our family made a commitment to try and get outside and explore the great outdoors every weekend, regardless of the weather. So far we've done really well (missing only a few due to illness etc). We call these days “Our Family Adventure Days”. They can involve anything from exploring the local National Trust parks, walking through bluebell woods, rolling down hills or walking though fields. Sometimes we might even visit local attractions.

In the beginning there were a few moans, groans and funny faces…


…. But now the girls look forward to them and even enjoy helping to plan the next one.

By far our absolute faveourite thing to do is to just drive off into the countryside with some food, drink, map and the cameras. Then pull into a layby, park the car and just go for a walk following the public footpaths. You can't beat it. It costs nothing and the girls have the freedom to run and play, whilst we try to keep up and take photos of them.

This was one such walk a few weeks ago. It was warm and sunny so perfect for summer dresses and a picnic. We walked behind a church, climbed over a big fence, walked down a muddy track, over another fence and ended up in this beautiful field of yellow rapeseed. We couldn't resist taking a load of photos (even selfies as inspired by the tips on Center Parcs blog) before continuing on:


Here are 5 of our faveourite activities we enjoyed doing that day:


1. Running free just like wild ponies:

2. Playing Hide and Seek (Daisy won)

3. Jumping competitions

4. Picking flowers (“not those ones girls!”)

5. Practising our dance moves

Regular readers will know my girls are always practising their ballet moves in random fields and on top of hills)

On this particular day we carried on over another gate, through a field of long grass and up a big hill. We stopped to admire the view before turning round and coming back again. It really was beautiful and the girls did very well, even Daisy who walked for miles.

We even managed to get a few photos of them all together:


This is just one example of one of our walks this month in the beautiful Gloucestershire countryside.


Karen x

This is my entry to the Center Parcs and Tots100 May challenge. If I’m chosen, I would like to visit Sherwood Forest please.

* Please note that this weeks photos were mainly my husbands as I had forgotten to charge my batteries. Whoops!