I have been tagged into a meme by the lovely Mummy Mishaps where I have to state 5 things my little one says that I never will.

My little girl Poppy is three years old now and growing up way to fast. She is always coming out with things that make me laugh. These are some of the things that Poppy says on a regular basis that make me smile but you would never catch me saying:

  1. I’m not tired and don’t want to go to bed yet
  2. Tickle me harder/ tickle me faster
  3. Hang me upside down please Daddy
  4. Spin me around and around
  5. I don’t want my hair done today
She really is a cheeky monkey.
If you want to join in then all you have to do is:

  • Come up with 5 things that your child, children or even your Husband say’s that you never do!
  • If your baby doesn’t yet speak then you can make them up based on what you think they would say if they could speak. 
  • Then tag others to do the same
  • If you haven’t been tagged and you want to join in then please do.
  • Then please link up your post to The Crazy Kitchen linky here  so Helen  can laugh at them read them too. Don’t forget to ask those you tag to do the same please.
I am tagging in 


Karen x