Dear Poppy,
My gorgeous big girl. You are growing up so fast it scares me. Today I took these lovely pictures of you looking all relaxed and messy after a busy day at school and decided its about time I wrote you another letter to put with them.
I am so proud of the little lady you are turning into and I just wanted you to know that. You are doing so well at school you amaze me. You can read just about anything (and do). Not just books but my emails and text messages too cheeky!
You read as well as a 7 year old and are still on the Schools Gifted and talented register for It. This year you have also been recognised as more able in numeracy and literacy too. Such a clever girl. We couldn't be prouder of you. Your favourite books to read at the moment are the Enid Blytons Amelia Jane box set. You read them very well. You have also started having your lamp on for 1/2 hour to read at night. I can't believe you do that already.
You are very studious and love School and learning. You have always been in the top group for everything and are continuing with that in year one. You have passed every spelling test with 10/10 and your your times table tests too. You've been tested on 10x table 1x a week for the past 3 weeks. Next it's the 5s. I don't put any pressure on you but you want to pass and work hard to make sure you do.
You are not just hard working though, you have lots of friends too and seem to get on with everyone. You are especially liked by the boys with several wanting to marry you already haha. I wonder what your Daddy will be like when you do start bringing boys home. Thankfully we have a few years before all that.

You have a very caring nature and always try to help the little ones at School and home. You are always trying to teach Daisy new words and encourage Rosie to learn too.
You love spending time outside and are aways attached to your bike or scooter. You especially love trips to the park, climbing, and running. You love bouncing high on the trampoline but you especially love it when I come on with you. Sometimes I wonder where you get you energy from.
You really are a lovely little girl and I'm so proud to be your Mummy. Yes you have the odd moment when you don't listen to me 1st time (or 2nd, 3rd & 4th) and yes you can be a bit rude and stroppy sometimes but overall you are a lovely little girl. You eat well, sleep well, are polite and pretty well behaved really. I can't complain at all.
I really do love you sweetheart with all my heart but you already know that, don't you? We tell each other everyday!
Kisses & cuddles.
Mummy xxx
Ross Mountney
October 9, 2013 at 7:19 pm (11 years ago)I so felt the love in this post. There is nothing that compares to that unparalleled love you feel for your child. Beautifully expressed!
would like to be ayummy mummy
October 9, 2013 at 9:08 pm (11 years ago)What a lovely comment thank you. I’m so proud of her right now and feel very lucky to be a mummy to three gorgeous, clever girls 🙂