I am 38 weeks now and really ready to have this baby! Husband is away until Thursday but after that I am going to be doing everything I can to make her come out! Last weekend a walk around IKEA and a pizza packed with jalapeños brought nothing but tummy cramps but hoping this weekend she’s ready.
I have been fortunate to have a really good pregnancy but I am starting to get worried about what size she might be and the whole birth thing. I am also getting uncomfortable and getting lots of pains and twinges. Its a bit scary having Husband so far away this week but he assures me his phone is attached to him night and day and he is ready to speed up here as soon as I call.
Its not surprising I am feeling uncomfortable. My baby is now around the size of a pumpkin…there is no getting away from it that a pumpkin is pretty big:
Evenings are the worst but I have found both rocking and bouncing on my birthing ball helps. My skin has been a bit itchy again this week and I have been having lots of warm baths with Clary sage oil to help relax and sooth it.
The girls are being really sweet about the baby and really seem to understand whats happening. Rosie keeps telling me the baby is going to sit next to Poppy in the car and which room is hers. They both keep telling me she will come out soon, although they seem to think my tummy is going to just pop which is a bit funny.
The baby centre UK says:
Your baby is now ready to greet the world. At this stage, your baby is still building a layer of fat to help her control her body temperature after she’s born. All your baby’s organs are well developed, though her lungs will be the last to reach full maturity.
From this week onwards, the amount of amniotic fluid in your uterus gradually starts to decrease, although your body will continue to make fluid until your baby’s born.
I am still eating lots of salt and vinegar snack a jacks and ice cubes. I am getting through around 12kg of ice cubes a week at the moment! The crunching is very satisfactory as well as refreshing. I am finding I have been getting a bit of indigestion though this week and there is not as much room for a full meal. I am tending to eat much smaller amounts than usual.
Overall I am doing ok but am ready to meet my little girl. I feel like the whole family are ready for her now and we just want her here.
Watch this space!
Karen x