Okay, I have finally reached 33 weeks and despite having had a pretty good pregnancy, I feel like I am ready to meet my little girl now. I feel the size of a whale (despite people telling me im not), I am struggling with sleeping and generally just feel heavy and uncomfortable.
This week my baby is around the size of a durian fruit:
According to Babycnetre Uk:
Your baby now weighs about 2kg and measures up to 44cm from head to toe. She may already be getting ready for birth by turning upside-down. Her head should be pointing down, ready for her journey into the world.
Your baby’s skull is still quite pliable. But the bones in the rest of her body are hardening. Your baby’s skin is also gradually becoming less red and wrinkled as fat builds up underneath.
I am still suffering from itchiness but with the help of a good moisturiser and one daily dose of Piriton I am managing it better.
I am finding I just want to much on ice cubes all the time. I am going through quite a few of them. I am also feeling more full more quickly so eating a little bit less than usual. I am just getting uncomfortable now.
I have had quite a few little niggles and pains the last few days so feel as if my body is getting ready. She has also turned around sidewards again. I keep getting kicked on the right hand side. Everytime she turns right round I feel really sick so know she is getting bigger and got less room in there
Actually I am terrified that she is going to be big. Both my girls were late and weighed in at 9.5 pounds so am terrified this one is going to be bigger or the same. I am hoping for a dinky little one though. Oh and as for the birth…I am petrified!! Knowing what to expect having done it twice I am dreading it.
We have now discovered that we are moving in three weeks time so will be in the new house when the baby is due. This has been great for my stress levels as the not knowing was killing me. I am now focussing all those nesting instincts into packing and getting organised for the big move. I cant wait to get to the new house and get the nursery ready.Its all very exciting.
The girls are all excited about the baby coming now and cant stop talking to my tummy or kissing it. It is very cute. They have their own names for the baby and Husband and I keep changing our minds. We are going to wait and see what she looks like.
So that’s me…ready to have my little girl but know its not that long away.
Karen x