I am now 31 weeks pregnant and feeling pretty good, very pregnant but generally okay.

My baby is now apparently the size of a pineapple and weighs approximately 2.5-3.8 pounds.

Your baby weighs about 1.5kg and looks more than ever like a newborn. He measures about 41cm from crown to toe. His arms, legs and body continue to fill out – and they are finally proportional in size to his head.

You may notice your baby isn’t moving around as much. That’s because he’s just running out of space in your uterus (womb). As long as you can feel him squirming and kicking, you’ll know he’s just fine. Believe it or not, he still has plenty of growing to do. You can expect him to gain at least 900g before birth.

Your baby’s organs are continuing to mature and he is passing water from his bladder, which is good practice for the weeing he’ll do after he’s born. Also, the marrow in his bones has taken over from his liver the job of producing red blood cells.

It felt good to read this as I haven’t been feeling the little one wriggling around as much recently. I have also noticed (apart from today) I have been less hungry and have been struggling to eat proper meals. I just get full really quickly so am back to snacking little and often.

I have stopped eating as much potato too and have replaced it with ice cubes (lots of), ice pops and salt and vinegar snack a jacks! They are delicious!

I am still not sleeping as well (the bump gets in the way and is uncomfortable now) and I am really ready to have her. I am trying to stay calm as still don’t know quite when we are moving or where I will give birth. If I think about it too much I get myself in a state! I do definitley feel better after sorting out some of my hospital bag and all the baby stuff!

The itchy skin is still irritating so I have been bathing every night, trying to relax and covering myself in moisturising lotion. I’m definitely more relaxed than I was last week which is good!

Overall I am doing okay and the weeks are still passing by quickly.

Karen x