Yeeehhh, I have finally made it and am officially in my third trimester! It feels as though it is the last leg now and we really will get to meet this little lady soon. The whole family are getting quite excited.

This week our baby has grown to the size of a rutabaga, that’s approximately 1.5 – 2.2 Ibs.

According to the babyCentre, My baby

weighs a little more than 1kg and may measure up to 38cm from top to toe. At about this time, she can open her eyes and turn her head in your uterus (womb) if she notices a continuous, bright light shining from the outside. She’s getting used to blinking her eyes, which now have eyelashes.

Her fat layers are continuing to form and her bones are nearly developed, though they are still soft and pliable. Her bones won’t harden properly until after she’s born.

And me well I am pretty good. I am still suffering from severe itchy skin but have blood tests today to check my liver. In the mean time I am using various creams to help moisturise and reduce symptoms  (good excuse for lots of massages from Husband – always a silver lining)! I am starting to feel bigger  and definitely look pregnant. Although not huge, I look as though I have a football shoved up my top.

I have started to think that we may have a few problems with Rosie when this baby arrives. I have been spending lots of time combing and checking Poppy’s hair for head lice as it is going around her class and she has had it. Rosie has been getting very jealous of all the attention she is getting and has got quite upset on occasions. It is a bit worrying.

I have been quite tired this week but have also had a chance to relax and unwind a bit as Husband has been home on leave. I have even managed a few sneaky naps.

In the past week I have received a few parcels of things to review for the baby (more details coming soon), its all very exciting and helping to make it feel real. I cant wait for our little one to start using them.

All in all a pretty good week.


Karen x