Wow 27 weeks and approaching the 3rd trimester. I am a bit confused about when this officially starts to be honest as different books/sites say different things. I think it might be next week though.

This week my little girl is about the size of a cauliflower, that’s around 36cm n length and  weighing approximately 1.5-2.2Ib.

Her eyes open and close now, she sleeps and wakes at regular times and may suck her finger or thumb. Her brain is starting to show some activity and will continue to develop and grow more complex over the upcoming weeks.

Its been a bit of a difficult week for me as I have been really poorly (sore throat/ loss of voice and cough). It was a very nasty virus which knocked me off my feet completely but luckily I am back to feeling peachy again!

The only other complaint I have is this ongoing itchiness. I have seen my midwife who advises me it is probably normal but she has organised a blood test for next week to check my liver. I cant explain how bad it is but the pharmacist has given me some calamine with aqueous cream which is helping to some degree. It feels like insects crawling all over me and sometimes burns, particularly on the tops of my feet….not nice at all! I have no rash or spots though so that has got to be good!

All in all I am doing ok. Husband is on leave for two weeks so is helping out lots with the girls and letting me rest when I need to,  I have even managed a few sneaky afternoon naps :-). I’m making the most of it as we are going to be moving in the next few months so life is going to be busy. Luckily we are moving closer to my family so that will be lovely and they will be around to help too.

It is a bit unsettling not knowing when we are going but I am trying to stay calm and relaxed about it all. We are hoping to move and settle before the little lady arrives. However, I have found out the Maternity Unit there is all brand new (only opened last year) so that sounds good and is very reassuring. As soon as I know when we are due to move I will have to arrange a visit.

My bump is starting to grow more and I have noticed I get out of breath more easily.  I am feeling pretty good though so am going to let Husband take some nice pictures of me over the next few weeks…watch this space, I might post a few.

Lots of baby stuff has started to arrive for me to review too, its all very exciting and I honestly cant wait to meet her and let her try it all out.

Overall feeling good, feeling lots of movements and am happy to be pregnant again.

Karen x