With the possibility of a mini heat wave on the way I for one am getting excited. You see I love the Sunshine. It really makes me smile.



Here’s 10 reasons why:


  1. Sunshine makes the World a happier place. People just seem friendlier, smile more and appear more relaxed.
  2. It means “bye bye winter hats and scarfs” and “hello pretty dresses and skirts”.
  3. It means even more playing outside, so happy children and parents.
  4. It means the boots get packed away and flip flops and pretty pink toe nails come out to play.
  5. I love the smell of freshly cut grass.
  6. It means eating outside – lots of picnics and barbecues.
  7. Sunshine means more family days out to places like the beach, zoo etc.
  8. It means lots of water play.
  9. Sunshine brings the possibilty of being able to chill in the garden with a book or enjoy wine with friends
  10. and more importanly, It means a healthier, happier family with less bugs.

So here’s hoping they’re right and the sun comes out tomorrow.


Karen x